The World’s Oldest Person (119) Says Her Secret to Long Life Has Nothing to Do with Diet or Exercise

Written by Mălina O. R.

Top Doctor Magazine
3 min readMay 23, 2022

Life is not something you should fill with diets and exercise. It is something you have to enjoy and live to the fullest. Indeed, you have to be careful about your health, but this never ending search for health can distract you from how beautiful life is. This is something confirmed by Kane Tanaka, the oldest person alive at the age of 119. She lives in Fukuoka, Japan, and has some insightful tips for a long and, most importantly, happy life.

Some Details of Tanaka’s Life

Kane Tanaka was born an entire century ago, in the year 1903. Although she witnessed multiple historical events such as World War I, World War II, the 1918 Spanish flu, the Cold War and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, she’s still thriving. She was there when the very first Olympic games were held! At the age of 19, she married a rice shop owner and worked with him for almost 85 years. Now, she holds the 2019 Guinness World Record as the oldest living person.

Tanaka kept her mind sharp by working and always pursuing hobbies. Even at 119 years old, she still smiles for the cameras and is not ashamed to show the peace sign to the world.

There Is No Secret to a Long Life

Tanaka says that her life never revolved around health, exercise or a magic diet. She is a dedicated consumer of Coca-Cola, and as most know, this beverage is not among the healthiest. But, as Tanaka’s grandson states, she never dwells on the past and always focuses on the present, so stress is never a part of her life.

Tanaka keeps her mind healthy and young by doing math, calligraphy and wondering about everything surrounding her. There is no secret that working keeps our bodies young as well. Tanaka worked in her family’s store up until the age of 103!

The Link between Longevity and Happiness

There is no secret that happiness and health will lead to a longer life. Longevity has almost nothing to do with diet and exercise. It might be important to follow a healthy life and stay away from smoking and alcohol, but avoiding vices doesn’t really influence your life span. A long life is granted by happiness, purpose in life, staying away from stress, a healthy community and a close family. All of these aspects are related to happiness, and happiness is directly linked to better health. As Tanaka shares with us, dwelling on the past, sadness and indifference will only affect us long-term.

Tanaka came to be 119 years old because her life has always been full of purpose, surrounded by her loved ones, which has kept her mental health strong.


Keeping yourself healthy through diet and exercise is important, but this will not ensure a long life. What really keeps you alive and sane is your mental health. If you surround yourself with pessimistic people, stress and dark thoughts, your mental health will surely decline over time.

Your mind is the only part of you that will keep you alive in the long run. The body weakens and degrades over time, and so does the mind, but only if you let it. Optimistic and joyful people, curiosity and hobbies will maintain a healthy mind and personality.

A Parting Reminder

Happiness and a sharp mind truly are the keys to longevity. Therefore, you have to surround yourself with optimistic people and stay away from dark thoughts. In the end, you only get one life, and it is essential to enjoy it to the fullest.



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