7 Ways to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Top Doctor Magazine
4 min readFeb 19, 2022

Written by Nathan Pipkin

The prospect of traveling brings a whole host of potential health risks you should be aware of. Whether you’re traveling in the United States or abroad, your journeys and destinations might pose obstacles to your health. Let’s look into some of the things you should be aware of while traveling and the best methods to minimize those risks and enjoy your next trip!

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

The first piece of advice applies specifically to airplanes. When you’re boarding your plane and choosing a seat, remember that it’s best to avoid aisle seats. Choosing a different seat will reduce your contact with germs, especially germs from the hands of other passengers. Because your fellow travelers, when walking to and from the bathroom, will often use them to steady themselves, aisle seats are especially likely to host harmful bacteria.

Traveling smart takes planning. Of all the deaths from motor vehicle accidents every year, 25,000 are among tourists. The good news is that you can take action to minimize the risk. Avoid overloaded buses, cars without seatbelts and any vehicles driven by someone under the influence. Arrange your schedule to travel with others during the morning or afternoon so that you won’t find yourself alone at night. In a similar vein, take care to wear protective gear on adventurous outings like biking or rock climbing.

Avoiding these risky situations in cars and airplanes takes a little bit of preparation and thinking ahead, but if you want to keep your travels free of illness and injury, these are excellent first steps!

Is There Something You’ve Forgotten?

The best way to make sure you’ve packed all the health-related items you’ll need is to create a travel health kit. A well-stocked health kit will include sunscreen, hand sanitizer, over-the-counter medicines and first aid items. Of course, there’s a chance that you won’t need all of these different items. However, if you find yourself in a situation where they’re necessary, it will be a lot better than getting stuck without them. This kit will also be a convenient place to pack any prescription medicines you’ll be taking.

Another item that should go in your health kit is a food allergy ID card. This tip is mainly for situations when you’re traveling internationally and a language barrier might make it challenging to communicate your dietary needs to others. An allergy card gets around this situation by indicating your allergies both in English and the language of the country you’re visiting. Between this preparation and the advice of a travel agent or hotel staff, you’ll be able to avoid restaurant settings that might be a risk.

How Well Do You Know Your Destination?

Next, spend a few minutes researching the climate and weather conditions you expect to encounter. These conditions might be the reason you’ve picked your destination — a tropical beach or snowy mountain, for example — but it still pays off to research local forecasts in advance. If you’re headed to a spot expecting a lot of sun, bring enough sunblock to apply more than once per day and pack sun-protective clothing before leaving home.

If the setting of your destination is less urban and more natural, spend some time researching the risk of bug bites! It sounds minor at first, but insects can carry severe and lasting diseases. The best way to anticipate your trip’s needs is to check the CDC’s list of destinations, which includes any relevant information about what steps you should take to protect yourself.

Finally, make time each day for a small workout! Even if your trip is purely for fun and you’re not worried about gaining a pound or two, exercise will still improve the quality of your travel experience. This is because a daily workout will work wonders when it comes to regulating your energy and mood. There are plenty of ideas for workouts that you can do without equipment and on a tight schedule, so take a moment to plan what you can incorporate into each day.

A Parting Reminder

Part of the fun of traveling is taking your mind off everyday concerns, but the items we’ve just discussed will improve your experience if you stick to them. Whether it’s going fully prepared with basic first aid supplies and powerful sunscreen or knowing what situations to avoid when it comes to car travel, these ideas can take your travel experiences to the next level!



Top Doctor Magazine

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